首頁 關於學會 產險經營委員會 壽險經營委員會 再保經營委員會 研究委員會 保險仲介人委員會
大陸委員會 綜合委員會 學會活動及會員動態 學會論壇 學會資源
研究生: 宋沂樺
論文名稱: 遊 艇 綜 合 保 險 單 研 擬 設 計 之 研 究
論文名稱(外文): A Study of Design on Comprehensive Yacht Insurance Policy
指導教授: 廖述源
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 保險學系保險經營碩士班
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
中文關鍵詞: 遊艇 保險 保險商品設計 遊艇保險經營
外文關鍵詞: Yacht Insurance Design of Insurance Policy Management of Yacht Insurance
摘要: 台灣過去休閒活動以陸上活動為主,隨著經濟發展、國民所得增加,遊艇休憩活動成為國人休閒活動選項之一。然而遊艇活動所伴隨而來之危險會造成消費者人命之傷亡以及財產之損失,導致社會成本之增加。因此,針對遊艇活動之危險暴露提供保障周延之遊艇保險即是提供遊艇活動安全保障重要方法之ㄧ,透過保險減輕或消除本身所承擔之不確定損失,既簡便且具實質效用。既可減少社會成本之浪費,亦可使消費者更加安心從事相關活動。
外文摘要: With the rising of economy and increasing of national income, the yacht recreation has become one of the options of entertainment in Taiwan. However, there are many risks along with the yacht activities which causing the loss of life and damage of properties. Hence, a yacht insurance with fully covered is a good way to provide safety protection on yacht recreation. Mitigating or removing the uncertainty of loss by insurance is easier and much efficient than others’. It’s not only reducing the cost of society, but making consumers feel relieved while taking relative activities.
Because of the yacht insurance consists of several insurance policies at present, causing the inconvenience when consumers requesting insurance and the leakage or insufficiency of coverage which must be integrated all of the coverage into one and design a new yacht insurance policy. Therefore, this study refer to several yacht insurance policies in many countries as samples in accordance with the need of development on ours yacht insurance in the future; designing a comprehensive policy of yacht insurance as a referral on new product design in general insurance industry in Taiwan.
The study includes the theories of designing insurance product. In addition, there are also including the structure and risk exposure of yacht to be the facts of rate estimation. Therefore, this study generalize the literature and article about yacht insurance, yacht insurance policies, safety information and others’ relative information to illustrate the main framework of comprehensive policy of yacht insurance in the version of our country. The study considers our local customs and regulation, comparing with the yacht insurance in America, England and Japan, and combining the advantages around them which fit our realistic circumstance for designing comprehensive policy of yacht insurance, besides making a description of management.
The study ends in conclusions and suggestions to put a new view on general insurance industry and government for developing yacht recreation and yacht insurance in the future.
目次: 第壹章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與限制 6
第三節 研究方法與流程 7
第四節 研究內容 9
第貳章 文獻回顧 10
第一節 國內文獻 10
第二節 國外文獻 14
第參章 我國遊艇活動概況 19
第一節 遊艇之意義與現況 19
第二節 我國遊艇管理相關法規之概述 22
第三節 我國遊艇活動未來發展 24
第肆章 遊艇綜合保險研擬設計之原則 26
第一節 遊艇綜合保險設計之原則 26
第二節 遊艇綜合保險之基本架構 29
第三節 遊艇綜合保險之特色 31
第伍章 遊艇綜合保險之研擬設計 34
第一節 遊艇綜合保險要保書與保險單之研擬設計 34
第二節 遊艇綜合保險基本條款之研擬設計 38
第三節 遊艇綜合保險特約(附加)條款之研擬設計 47
第四節 遊艇綜合保險之費率考量因素 49
第陸章 遊艇綜合保險之經營 53
第一節 遊艇綜合保險之核保 53
第二節 遊艇綜合保險之再保 62
第三節 遊艇綜合保險之理賠 68
第柒章 結論與建議 79
第一節 結 論 79
第二節 建議事項 82
主要參考文獻 85
附錄一:保險商品銷售前程序作業準則 87
附錄二:財產保險商品審查應注意事項 97
附錄三:財產保險商品送審格式填表一般原則說明 105



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