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大陸委員會 綜合委員會 學會活動及會員動態 學會論壇 學會資源
研究生: 沈順卿
論文名稱: 競爭市場下汽車險業務經營管理策略之研究
論文名稱(外文): Operating Management and Strategy forAutomobile Insurance in Taiwan's Competitive Market
指導教授: 王儷玲
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 政治大學商學院
系所名稱: 經營管理碩士學程風險管理組
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
摘要: 九十四年我國財產保險業之簽單總保費收入為新台幣1,185.02億元,其中汽車保險之簽單保險費收入為新台幣588.62億元,占我國財產保險業簽單總保費收入的49.67%,故汽車保險之簽單保險費收入於九十四年居財產保險市場各險種之冠。同時汽車保險業務量占全體產險業務量的比重,一直維持在45%-50%之間,由於汽車險業務量之消長連帶影響各產物保險公司的現金流量及公司在市場的排名,故汽車保險業務的經營深受各產險公司老闆的重視。
外文摘要: In 2005, the written premium of automobile insurance was NT$ 58.87 billion, occupied 49.67% and the majority part of the written premium of non-life insurance in Taiwan(the written premium of non-life insurance was NT$ 118.5 billion in 2005). In the meantime, the business portfolio of automobile insurance to non-life insurance remain at 45%-50% steadily. Because the growth and decrease of business portfolio of automobile insurance will significantly influent the ranking and the cash flow of non-life insurance companies, the owners of non-life insurance companies pay highly attention on the operation of automobile insurance.

In Taiwan, the source of automobile insurance can be divided into two parts: direct market approach and indirect market approach. Indirect market approach contributed 40% business income, and the automobile insurance agents contributed 30% premium income.

The market share of non-life insurance business is approximately fixed. Due to the business scope of automobile insurance agents and brokers are selling the new cars, the non-life insurance companies give ultimate efforts to attract them. Moreover, we must pay attention on the fact that the automobile insurance commodities is homogeneous, the reason is affected by the tariff of regulator, therefore, under the premise that the market can’t be obviously divided, if the insurance companies still intend to raise its’business portfolio, the most rapid and efficient way is to lift up commission to match the commission requirement of automobile insurance agents, and to collocate with certain ratio of damaged car requiring and/or regular maintence. This kind of operation mode makes insurance company can cover the cost by its investing profit while economic boom, but will overload while economic depression, then causing operating crisis. The most conspicuous case is that the Polaris Securities Group sold Central Insurance Company(CIC)to AIG Group while Polaris Securities Group found the operating results of automobile insurance business in CIC was inconsistent with its anticipation.

This thesis mainly discusses the operating and management strategy of automobile insurance in a competitive market, and give an example by Polaris Securities Group’s running automobile insurance business in CIC for case study. The thesis first introduces the current condition of Taiwan automobile insurance market, then probe into the influence of rate liberalization to the said market. Simultaneously, to understand the predicament of automobile insurance market and bring up the possible solution. The author provides some suggestions for government agency to draw up supervisory policy and for non-life insurance companies to set up operating strategy. By the way of innovating insurance commodities and diversifying marketing routes, the author hopes that it will helpful to jointly inaugurate the“Blue Ocean Strategy”of the operation of Taiwan automobile insurance. It’s the main goal of this thesis
目次: 暫無


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