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大陸委員會 綜合委員會 學會活動及會員動態 學會論壇 學會資源
研究生: 薛雅禎
論文名稱: 金融控股集團下產險公司行銷策略之研究
論文名稱(外文): A Study of Non-Life Insurance Company Marketing Strategy Under the Financial Holding Group
指導教授: 廖述源
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 保險學系保險經營碩士在職專班
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
中文關鍵詞: 產險公司行銷策略
摘要: 產物保險業在費率自由化與國際化之時代潮流下,競爭日益激烈,其本身行銷策略與應變能力,將是指引新行銷時代產險業永續經營之重要因素。近幾年來,金控公司相繼成立參與競爭,產險業市場變化亦日新月異,如何善用各種有效創新行銷策略與行銷組合,已成為產物保險業提昇競爭優勢之主軸。
藉由金控公司發揮彈性調度決策之機制,各子公司金融保險業務之交叉銷售與電子商務作業平台,提供多角化保險服務品質,以提昇經營效率。今擬就產物保險公司之幾則個案,分析產物保險之行銷策略,進而研討產物保險公司應如何規劃未來之經營利基,如何融合顧客導向及共同行銷之營運契機,冀望能大幅創造附加價值之經營效益,因此,產險公司行銷策略研究則顯得相當重要。惟就產物保險公司而言,消費意識抬頭,產物保險公司愈來愈重視行銷策略,如欲強化產物保險公司之經營發展,必在行銷機能之行銷組合上獲取可持久之競爭優勢(sustainable competitive advantage)。
外文摘要: Under the rate deregulation and the trend of globalization, the competition of Non-Life Insurance industry is much more severe. The Marketing Strategy and responsiveness of the company are the keys to face the challenge, then make it sustainable. The Financial Holding Groups are involved with the competition and the market vary day by day , so how to utilize the innovative Marketing Strategy and Portfolio is the main focus to enhance the competitive advantage of the Non-Life Insurance industry.

Through the flexibility of the Financial Holding Group , the cross-selling and e-commerce platform of the financial insurance of each sub-company , offer the diversified service quality of insurance and improve the efficiency. In the essay , we take several cases to analyze the Marketing Strategy of Non-Life Insurance , then focus how the Non-Life Insurance company should plan on the business chance , with fusion of customer oriented and co-marketing in order to maximize the creation of value-added , so that’s why the Marketing Strategy research does matter. In terms of Non-Life Insurance company , how to reinforce the development of Non-Life Insurance company should be based on the Marketing Strategy Portfolio for capturing the sustainable competitive advantage

The financial industry is moving toward the trend of “ the bigger the stronger”. Through the acquisition and integration can result in the scale & achievement of the international noted financial group. In the future , if the Financial Holding Group want to benefit from the effects of economic scale , the acquisition to expand the business scale and lowering the cost of funds through the increasing selling channels are essential. Besides that , the Financial Holding company can ally with the other financial institutes to expand the product lineup and offer the various options of financial commodities , then through the collaboration of other industries can form the stronger branded marketing. Thus the goal which the Financial Holding company achieve should be based on the complete financial service model to enhance the value-added of products & enterprise core competence , further reach the steady growth in business & profitability. After identifying the core competence of the company , the next step should be the integration of human resources , adjustment of the internal culture and the enhancement of quality of service. Based on that , developing the new financial commodities with the effective risk management and new concept can enlarge the growing space and profitability
目次: 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及目的 1
第二節 研究方法及限制3
第三節 研究流程 5
第四節 研究內容 7

第二章 相關文獻回顧 8
第一節 國內文獻 8
第二節 國外文獻 13

第三章 行銷策略基礎理論19
第一節 產險經營理論 19
第二節 行銷策略理論 27
第三節 市場調查模型理論37

第四章 現行金控公司產險行銷策略之探討 42
第一節 金控發展沿革 42
第二節 金控現況分析49
第三節 金控優缺點比較84
第四節 金控未來方向88

第五章 金控公司產險行銷策略之精進方案90
第一節 優劣分析 90
第二節 精進方案 94
第三節 評估效益97

第六章 結論與建議 98
第一節 結論98
第二節 建議100



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