首頁 關於學會 產險經營委員會 壽險經營委員會 再保經營委員會 研究委員會 保險仲介人委員會
大陸委員會 綜合委員會 學會活動及會員動態 學會論壇 學會資源
研究生: 郭潔蓓
研究生(外文): Chieh-Pei Kuo
論文名稱: 信用卡綜合保險之研究
論文名稱(外文): A study of Credit Card Comprehensive Insurance
指導教授: 廖述源
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 保險學系保險經營碩士班
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 信用卡綜合保險 信用卡 旅行不便險
外文關鍵詞: Credit Card Comprehensive Insurance Credit Card Travel Inconvenience Insurance
摘要: 配合民眾消費型態明顯改變,國民生活水準不斷提升,信用卡的附加功能包括高額保險保障、道路救援、免費停車、全球救援服務、機位免費升等、購物折扣、刷卡紅利積點回饋…等,信用卡屬於服務型產品,在信用卡的有形商品無明顯差距情況下,消費者更在乎的是發卡機構所提供的服務及附加價值,而發卡機構透過增加附加價值或提供差異化服務,增加消費者辦卡及刷卡消費的誘因。
外文摘要: In line with the obvious change of consuming type and a higher standard of living, the coverage of Credit Card Comprehensive Insurance include a high liability of indemnity, free roadside rescue service, free parking, emergency assistance service, air flight upgrade, shopping discount, reward program of credit card etc. Credit card is attributed to one kind of service products. Under a subtle difference in products rendered amongst the credit card organizations, consumers express more concerns about the service and added value provided, which lead to an increased number of cardholders and expenditure by credit cards.
Nowadays, most of the credit card banks provide insurance protection. Especially, in view of a fierce competition of credit card market and increased risk awareness, the credit card organizations provide their customers with more protection, which includes Travel Assistance, Medical Assistance and Legal Assistance etc, the so-called Credit Card Comprehensive Insurance. Instead of the cardholder’s selection and purchase of this insurance policy, the credit card organizations negotiate and purchase the insurance program with the insurers directly. With regard to the subjects related to Insurance Interest of this insurance mechanism and an insufficient premium against a drastic growth of the number of cards and an increase of limit of indemnity, the research will further address them.
The research also further discusses the operational status by way of the coverage analysis of Credit Card Comprehensive Insurance, which are a good reference to the non-life insurers as well as are of assistance to improve their optimal operation for this line of business.
目次: 第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 4
第三節 研究架構與內容 5
第四節 文獻回顧 7
第二章 信用卡綜合保險之理論基礎 9
第一節 信用卡之意義與功能 9
第二節 信用卡綜合保險之意義與效益 16
第三節 信用卡綜合保險主要特色 20
第三章 我國信用卡綜合保險單之探討 22
第一節 我國信用卡綜合保險單之沿革 22
第二節 保單條款及承保辦法之說明與分析 25
第四章 我國信用卡綜合保險經營之探討 64
第一節 信用卡綜合保險之市場概況 64
第二節 信用卡綜合保險之核保 66
第三節 信用卡綜合保險之理賠 71
第四節 信用卡綜合保險之再保 76
第五節 信用卡綜合保險經營趨勢 82
第五章 結論與建議 86
第一節 結 論 86
第二節 建 議 89
參考文獻 92
參考文獻: 參考文獻
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