首頁 關於學會 產險經營委員會 壽險經營委員會 再保經營委員會 研究委員會 保險仲介人委員會
大陸委員會 綜合委員會 學會活動及會員動態 學會論壇 學會資源
研究生: 張翊德
研究生(外文): I-Te Chang
論文名稱: 員工誠實保證保險之研究
論文名稱(外文): The Research of Fidelity Bond Insurance
指導教授: 廖述源
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 保險學系保險經營碩士班
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 人事保證制度 員工誠實保證保險 風險控制
外文關鍵詞: Personnel Guarantee System Fidelity Bond Insurance Risk Control
摘要: 近年來員工不誠實行為之損失案件層出不窮,損失金額屢創新高,已成為企業經營上之一大隱憂;再者,傳統之人事保證制度無論對雇主或員工而言,均有諸多不便之處。有鑑於此,結合保險與保證功能之「員工誠實保證保險」遂因應而生,成為解決企業員工不誠實行為之重要商品。
外文摘要: There are damage cases of dishonest behaviors in the employees emerging one after another in recent years, damage amounts have set new record highs that are already becoming one of major hidden worries for corporations; moreover, traditional personnel guarantee system is with a lot of inconvenience no matter it is on the part of employers or employees. In concern of the situation, “fidelity bond insurance” is thus created to combine both functions of insurance and guarantee, and it becomes an important product to solve dishonest behaviors in the employees for corporations.
Since “fidelity bond insurance” was established in our country, it has been a history of several decades and it was experienced numerous revisions within the time periods; in order to adopt to the changes in our eras and to solve common disputes on actual practices, and at the same time to consider risk controls as well the importance of internal management for corporations themselves, there were adjustments made again to bond provisions, coverage methods, rates, and etc in 2004. Overall speaking, contracts are more well-prepared, but some of the provisions, rates, other regulations and etc, are still leaving questions for their meaning in explanations as well illogical areas in implementations, therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate and analyze them in our case study.
According to above statements, as a result, our case study will firstly to investigate the theoretical basics of fidelity bond insurance in the employees and to understand its developing processes as well its basic meanings; secondly, by the comparisons from new and old provisions, coverage methods and rates, to provide opinions in specifically related issues; additionally, will also make further analysis for the current conditions of market management and compare the developing conditions of fidelity bond insurance in the employees among other nations; finally, integrating related conclusions in our case study, and to propose 15 concrete suggestions in 5 major categories that will be in consider in accordance for the future developments of the insurance coverage of its kinds in our country, and in order to help fidelity bond insurance system in the employees getting towards perfection and integrity.
目次: 目 錄
第一章 緒論.........................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的................................1
第二節 研究範圍與方法……………………………………………..3
第三節 研究架構與內容……………………………………………..4
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………………..6
第一節 國內文獻……………………………………………………..6
第二節 國外文獻……………………………………………………..9
第三章 員工誠實保證保險之理論基礎……………………………13
第一節 保證保險之概述……………………………………………13
第二節 員工誠實保證保險之沿革…………………………………20
第三節 員工誠實保證保險之概述…………………………………26
第四章 我國員工誠實保證保險保單之析論………………………34
第一節 保單條款及承保辦法之說明與分析………………………34
第二節 新舊條款及承保辦法之比較………………………………51
第三節 綜合評析……………………………………………………57
第五章 我國員工誠實保證保險費率之釐訂………………………60
第一節 保險費率之概述……………………………………………60
第二節 員工誠實保證保險費率之釐訂……………………………69
第三節 綜合評析……………………………………………………77
第六章 我國員工誠實保證保險經營之探討………………………85
第一節 員工誠實保證保險之市場概況……………………………85
第二節 員工誠實保證保險之核保與理賠……………………....95
第三節 員工不誠實行為之風險控制…………………………….107
第七章 主要國家員工誠實保證保險之探討……………………..120
第一節 美國員工誠實保證保險之探討………………………….120
第二節 英國員工誠實保證保險之探討………………………….134
第三節 日本員工誠實保證保險之探討………………………….142
第八章 結論與建議………………………………………………..151
第一節 研究結論…………………………………………………..151
第二節 研究建議…………………………………………………..153
第三節 後續研究…………………………………………………..157
附錄一 民國九十三年修訂之員工誠實保證保險條款…………..162
附錄二 民國七十五年修訂之員工誠實保證保險條款…………..166
附錄三 美國員工誠實保證保險單(Form A)………………….171
附錄四 美國金融機構保證保險單(24號單)…………………..174
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