首頁 關於學會 產險經營委員會 壽險經營委員會 再保經營委員會 研究委員會 保險仲介人委員會
大陸委員會 綜合委員會 學會活動及會員動態 學會論壇 學會資源
研究生: 高靜如
研究生(外文): Ching-Ju Kao
論文名稱: 工程雇主意外責任保險保險競合之研究
論文名稱(外文): The Study on Other Insurance Application in Employers' Liability Insurance Under the Engineering Insurance Program
指導教授: 高棟梁
學位類別: 碩士
校院名稱: 淡江大學
系所名稱: 保險學系保險經營碩士在職專班
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 保險競合 工程保險 雇主意外責任保險 工程雇主意外責任保險
外文關鍵詞: Other Insurance Engineering Insurance Employers Liability Insurance
摘要: 隨著國內公共建設及民間投資增加,工程保險也漸漸受到重視;當工程本體發生損失時,由於國內累積了相當多的經驗,在保險理賠處理過程有一定軌跡可資依循,如遇爭議事項也不難找到仲裁單位協助調處。但實務上工地內組織複雜成員眾多,包括業主及主次承包商等雇主所聘僱之員工以及監工人員及臨時工共同在同一處所內施工,而各承包商依各自需求投保工程險附加雇主意外責任保險,如遇損失常常發生爭議。 目前關於營造工程工安事故之研究多為事故成因統計分析、工安事件災害防止及職災事故發生之補償的相關議題,鮮少有將營造工程各級承包商重複投保雇主意外責任保險之情況,以及雇主意外責任保險之侵權行為責任與勞工保險之職災補償責任作一個探討。因此興起研究將保險公司對於營造工程各級承包商重複投保雇主意外責任險之理賠方式之動機。 首先,將與僱傭關係有關之法律條文分析,再參考國內營造工程各級承包商投保雇主意外責任保險,與投保勞工保險在發生工安事件後理賠範圍之異同,歸結國內保險公司在此類別中發生爭議的主題,再將各主題中所涉及保險競合情況,對照我國保險法及民法相關條文加以分析,最後搭配理賠爭議案例,說明法律問題及相關責任之釐清,並提供改善建議事項。
外文摘要: Along with the increment of the public works and private investments, people gradually pay
more attention to the engineering insurance. On the other hand, as the local insurance companies
have much experience in claim handling nowadays, it is not difficult to find the suitable arbitrators
to deal with some controversial issues as well. However, in view of the complicated manpower
involved in one construction site, such as staff, supervisors, and temporary employees hired by
principal, primary contractors and secondary contractors and several separate Employers’ Liability
covers issued, it is often and easy to arise disputes in case of losses occurred.
The existing researches in relation to the engineering construction accidents mainly focus on
the statistical analysis of accidental causes, prevention measures for unexpected accidents and the
compensation scheme after a claim, few discuss the insurance overlap for Employers’ Liability
covers and a tort liability and worker’s compensation involved. That is the motivation to carry
out this research.
The research firstly analyzes the relevant legal provisions in respect of the relationship
between the employers and the employees. Secondly, in terms of the similarities and differences
between the Employers’ Liability covers taken by the above-mentioned various contractors and
the reimbursements compensated by Labor Insurance, the research further analyzes the other
insurance arising out of some controversial issues frequently happened in the local insurance
companies based on the relevant legal provisions stipulated in Insurance Law and the Civil Code.

Finally, pursuant to some controversial cases indicated, the research points out the legal problems
involved and clarifies the related responsibilities to be taken for the subject of the Employers’
liability insurance as well as propose the improvement suggestions.
目次: 第一章 緒論....................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的............................2
第二節 文獻探討.................................2
第三節 研究方法與限制............................5
第四節 研究架構與流程............................6
第二章 工程保險及雇主意外責任保險之論述............8
第一節 工程保險.................................8
第二節 雇主意外責任保險...........................11
第三節 工程保險附加雇主意外責任保險.................23
第三章 工程保險附加雇主意外責任保險與其他保險之保險競合............26
第一節 保險競合概述...............................26
第二節 複保險條款.................................31
第三節 其他保險條款...............................35
第四節 工程保險附加雇主意外責任保險與其他保險之保險競合..............................................37
第四章 工程雇主意外責任保險之理賠案例探討............53
第一節 爭議問題探討...............................53
第二節 理賠案例分析...............................71
第五章 結論與建議.................................80
第一節 結論......................................80
第二節 建議......................................81
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